Phi Beta Mu - Delta Chapter
Hall of Fame


Ernest Boling was born in Columbus, Mississippi, on October 11, 1926.  After graduating from S.D. Lee High School in Columbus, he served in the Navy for 4 years, and then returned to continue his education.  He attended Mississippi State University before going to Mississippi College where he received his BSEd.  He received his MMEd from VanderCook College of Music in Chicago, Illinois and continued graduate studies with Mississippi Southern and Delta State.

His 32 years of teaching experience include positions in Monticello, Greenwood, and Cleveland.  While in Greenwood, he taught band and chorus in the junior and seniors high schools.  In Cleveland, he not only taught band and chorus in the secondary schools, but he was Music Supervisor for District IV Schools.  While teaching, he also served as Choir Director in several churches.  His teaching was interrupted for two years while he worked as Vice President in charge of sales and Music Consultant for Educators Music Supply, Inc. in Alabama.

Boling spent many summers involved with band activities as he worked with Lion’s Band 4 years, and went with USA Band and Chorus three times to Hawaii and once to Europe.  Ernest Boling has made significant contributions to the band movement through his faithful participation in many band and honorary and service organizations.  His professional affiliations include:  MMEA; MENC; MAE; MBA; charter member of the National Band Association; Delta Chapter, Phi Beta Mu, serving as President twice and as Executive Secretary; American School Band Director’s Association, serving as National Sergeant at Arms, on the Executive Board, Secretary 2 years, Vice-President, and National President 1981.  He retired in 1982 and had fond memories of receiving the “Mac” award and of seeing so many of his students in music.

Edward Malcolm Carter 1990

Born in George County, Mississippi in 1910, Malcolm Carter received his early formal education at Yellow Pine School in that county. After the family moved to Gulfport, Carteer was forced to drop out of school after completing the fifth grade. He worked for the L & N Railroad for three years and then entered the Madison Agriculture High School in Camden, Mississippi, where he played football and had his first experience as a cornetist. Carter elected to play football at Millsaps College where he also played in the 144th Engineers National Guard Band under Warrant Officer Frank Slater.

Upon graduation from Millsaps, Carter went o Durant as the school band director. He married Irene McMasters in 1939 and went to Vicksburg as band director at Carr Central High School. In 1942, he then joined the United States Navy as a Pharmacist Mated 2nd Class and served on the Pillsbury, which played an important part in the capture of the 740 ton U-505, a German submarine. Discharged as a Lieutenant Junior Grade from the Navy in 1945, Carter took over the Aberdeen High School Band and developed it into an outstanding band in its class during his twelve year tenure.

He served as Presided of the M.M.E.A. Band division, and also initiated the formation of the Lion’s All- State Band. IN 1957, Carter went to Greenwood to work for an engineering company and later the Baldwin Piano Company. After owning  the Delta Music Center for three years he went to Mississippi Valley State University to teach piano repair for ten years. 

Perry Brooks Dennis Jr. 1990 

Perry Brooks Dennis Jr. was born in Greenwood, Mississippi, in 1917, and he began his band experience there playing cornet under the direction of J.E. Cuper. When Roy Martin became director, he changed to tuba and also served as drum-major and student conductor. When he was a sophomore in Henry Wamsley’s band at Mississippi State University, (then Mississippi A. & M.) Dennis began teaching the Starkville High School Band, which he served from 1935 to 1941. Among other honors, the SHS Band won top ratings at the District VII National Contest in 1941. Dennis received his Bachelor or Science degree from MSU, and he later received his BMEd from VanderCook School of Music in Chicago.

Through his leadership of the “Cadets”, a college “big band”, eh met and later married Clara King of Durnat. After a brief sojourn with the Dallas Public Schools, Dennis became band director at Carr Central High School in Vicksburg and developed it into a most formidable competitor in band contests. The University of Michigan awarded him a MMEd degree in 1951. Dennis followed his friend, Roy Martian as director of Greenwood High School Band, and later became band director of the LaGrange High School Band in Lake Charles, Louisiana where he taught from 1959 till 1970. These bands won many honors.

While working on a Doctorate at the University of Southern Mississippi, he was offered a position at eh university which he held for 12 years, retiring as Associate Professor of music and Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction. Dennis was President of the MMEA Band Division in 1950 and President of the Mississippi Music Educators Association 1974-1976. He holds membership in the Phi Beta Mu (Honorary Life), Kappa Kappa Psi, Pi Kappa Lambda, Phi Mu Alpha, and Phi Delta Kappa. He was Lion’s All-State concert director in 1952 and 1953, and he was awarded the Order of Silver Horn.

Simon Kooyman 1990


Simon Kooyman, a Dutch immigrant, became band director of the Clarksdale, Mississippi High School Band in 1926. Through his indefatigable energy and superb musicianship, he developed the band that came to be known as the “Pioneer Band” in Mississippi.

Born in Oude Niedorp, Holland, Kooyman was educated in the Velsen Normal Scholl and the Beverwyk School of Music. He married Johanna Elizabeth Tabẽrnal in St. George, Malany States in 1909. An excellent pianist and violinist, Kooyman was also a skilled conductor, as well as an off-set lithographer and photographer. He initiated the organization of the first Mississippi Band and Orchestra Director’s Association along with the development of the first Mississippi State Band Contest in 1928.

His CHS Band was ranked “first place” for six consecutive years, beginning that year. Kooyman was inducted into the membership of the prestigious American Bandmasters Association in 1931 with what has been described as the highest grade made on the entrance examination. Utilizing his combined skills, he composed numerous pieces for band and printed them himself, dedicationg them to his friends, “Frau” Kooyman, and their son, Tony.

Kooyman served as the District VII National Orchestra Chairman o the Mississippi State Department of Education Examining Board, which issued licenses to music teachers. In 1964, the Mississippi Legislature passed Concurrent Resolution No. 95 paying “tribute” to Simon Kooyman in recognition of his outstanding contribution and services to the citizens of Clarksdale, Mississippi, and to the development of high school bands in the state of Mississippi.

Roy M. Martin 1990


Roy Martin was born in 1895 in Rosebud, Arkansas to Charles and Liza Martin. His first musical instruction was from Professor Albert G. Fenton, who was hired by Martin’s father to teach the Martin Family Band. Martin later received his diploma from the Fenton Conservatory of music in Quitman, Arkansas. After having served productively in a variety of categories, including principalship, band director, and coach, in Damascus, Princeton, Magnolia, Bearden, and Pine Bluff, Martin moved to Greenwood, Mississippi, as a high school band director.

His keen mind, ability to communicate, and excellent relationships with people soon placed him among the very top leaders in his profession. Martin’s solid musicianship and teaching ability made the GHS band a pertinacious competitor in the Mississippi State Band Contests. He founded the Delta Band Festival and held the first and only Dixie Band Contest in Greenwood. Martin was a prime mover in the organization of the first Mississippi Lion’s All-State Band, a position he held for nineteen years.

He resigned in Greenwood in 1952 and continued with various projects, such as the Dixielanders, the Mac Awards, and the USA Band and Chorus. Martin received numerous awards, including the Mississippi Lion’s Hall of Fame, the Edwin Franko Goldman Award of the American School band Director's Association, the Cross of Malta of the Veterans of the Foreign Wars, the Gold Medal from the University of Rome, the American Legion Gold Medal, and the Lion’s  International Banner of Excellence. In 1984, the Mississippi Legislature passed Resolution NO. 15 recognizing his service and accomplishments. 

Joe Barry Mullins 1990

Dr. Joe Barry Mullins truly the “musician’s musician”, probably musically enriched and affected the lives of more students and teachers of music during and after his fifty four plus years of teaching in the Southeast, than has any other person.  

Dr. Mullins began his musical career rather late, learning the drum his senior year in one of Roy Martin’s bands in Arkansas. He achieved national prominence that same year winning a national High School drum contest and was featured on the cover of the “School Musician”. He taught band in Pine Bluff, Arkansas from 1934 to 1936, and moved to Itta Bena, Miss. In 1936, where he taught until 1940. he married a former student, Virginia L. Mullins and had two daughters, Alice and Joyce, bother teachers, and two sons, Joe Barry Mullins Jr. and Thad Mullins, both band directors.

Mullins received his Bachelor’s Music from Memphis College in 1994, and later earned a Master’s from Peabody and his EdD from the University of Illinois. He spent ten years at various positions in Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana from 1949-1951 he taught at Louisiana Tech. His bands at Northeast Louisiana University, from 1951 through 1969, were legendary, and in 1969 he crowned his career with 11 years as Director of Bands at the University of Southern Mississippi . Dr. Mullins has served as a clinician, adjudicator, orchestra, band, and choir director in over thirty states, and he continues to demand and receive the highest level of musicianship from all of the groups he directs. Even in “retirement”, he has served as director of two college and three municipal bands. 

Louis Ernest Pullo 1990


Born into a musical family in 1893, Louis Pullo studied cornet with an uncle at the age of five. At age twelve, he entered the Conservatory of Music in Naples for two years. His expertise on the trumpet was such that he came to the United States at the age of seventeen and traveled with carnival bands out of New York City for four years.

After a year as a city band director at Aberdeen, Mississippi, Pullo spent one year at Mississippi State University learning English and a year in Columbus playing in the theater. He then moved to Jackson to play in the Majestic Theater and in 1921, he became director of Jackson Boys Band, and also organized and directed the Wahabi Temple Shrine Band. In 1933, the Boys Band was taken into the Jackson Public School System as the Central High School Band. Pullo’s CHS Band set the standards for excellence among bands in Mississippi, receiving Superior ratings at the State Band Contest consistently during his tenure as conductor.

He was not only an outstanding teacher, but also a superb performer on trumpet, cello, flute, and oboe. Pullo served the Jackson Public School as band director for twenty five years, during which he was also principal cellist in the Jackson Symphony Orchestra. He was president of MMEA Band Division in 1934 and served as concert director of the Lions All-State Band in 1951.

George Henry Schultz 1990

A legendary figure among Mississippi band directors, George Henry Schultz, touched and enriched the lives of thousands of young people in the fifty one years since his graduation from Millsaps College. Schultz was born on a farm in Rankin County, Mississippi, in 1912. he attended Pisgah High School and graduated from Madison County A.H.S. He completed premedical training along with preparation in violin, chorus, and band, and received his B.S. in Chemistry and Geology from Millsaps College in 1937.

After a year in marketing Schultz started the band in Taylorsville, where he spent two productive years. He married Hazel Johnson and moved to Philadelphia for two years. The band there grew and did very well under his direction, receiving their superior at the State Festival. After three years as band director at Brandon High School, Schultz moved to Tupelo and turned the band there into an effective musical organization which was held in high esteem by the adjudicators who came to judge the State Band Festival each spring.

His twelve years as band director at Tupelo High were followed by fifteen years as founder and owner of the Schultz Band Wagon Music Store. Perhaps his greatest contributions to the band movement were during this time, as he provided many clinics and other help for the bands of Northeast Mississippi. Schultz even directed the band at Amory for a year when they lost their director, and it looked like the band might fold. He also helped many get started during this time. The “Outstanding Band Director’s Award for Northeast Mississippi” is named in his honor, as testimony to his impact on the bands of this area.

Henry Edward Wamsley 1990


Born in Arthur, Illinois, in 1888, Henry Wamsley took his first lesson on cornet from a retired army musician. Mr. Wamsley graduated from Tuscola, Illinois High School in 1909. after two years at the University of Illinois, he joined the United States Navy Band School and serving on the battleship, South Carolina. In 1916, he enrolled in the Mississippi State University ( then Mississippi A & M.) but enrolled in the United States Army in 1917, serving in the regimental band of the 134th Field Artillery.

After discharge, he returned to Starkville as a photographer and married Edna McDonald, from Illinois. The Wamsleys had two children, Nancy and Henry Wamsley Jr. He moved to MSU as band director in 1992 and was appointed postmaster there in 1924. His tenure on the MSU faculty lasted until 1957, and he was postmaster until 1958.

A thorough and experienced musician, he trained and maintained an excellent band at MSU even before there were high school bands in Mississippi. He is noted for making the “Famous Maroon Band” famous, and wrote the music to “Maroon and White”, the MSU Alma Mater. Wamsley served on the Mississippi State Department Education Examining Board and organized the first State Band Clinic for the MMEA Band Division in 1938. he was involved, along with Simon Kooyman, in organizing the first Band Contest in 1928 and was constantly in demand as an adjudicator in the South.

D.W. Barton 1991


De Wells Barton was born in the shadow of Wood Junior College on October 19, 1909. He attended elementary school in Mathiston and two year of high school at Wood Junior, where he played in the orchestra and took violin lessons. In 1925, his father retired, and the family moved to West Point, Mississippi. There he finished high school and was in the band under the director of H.G. Long, a dedicated band director. In 1929 he entered Mississippi A & M (now MSU), where he was a member of the Maroon Band under the direction of H.E. Wamsley; thus they began a friendship that continued for a lifetime.

In 1935, Barton obtained his teaching certificate and taught for five years in Houston, Mississippi. He was a man of rare talents in bother music and his love of his students. His years in Houston  were very rewarding. In 1936 he married Marry L. Harrington, and to this marriage, two sons were born: De Wells Jr. and William David.

  In 1941, he moved to Starkville as band director for the public schools. During these he attended many clinics and established links and friendships with such clinician as H.E. Nutt (VanderCook School of Music) and William D. Revelli. Later many of these prominent directors were invited to come to Mississippi and make their services available to all Mississippi band directors.

Barton continued his work at Starkville High School until 1955. when his disability became so severe that he was forced to resign. He died March 19, 1956. Though his year of service were short, he made each day a day of joy and a source of pride for his students.

A quote from his former superintendent at Starkville, C.A. Johnson, says it best; “A band program can be wrecked and a school administrator completely frustrated by the lack of the right discipline in a band. I never heard D.W. Barton caused this writer to cease being a reasonably good band supporter. He became an ardent and enthusiastic one.”

Roger Freeman Dollarhide 1991

Roger Freeman Dollarhide was born in Hackett, Arkansas, near Fort Smith, on October 29, 1912. his fatter died in 1925 while Superintendent of Schools in Braden, Arkansas. Three years later, his mother married Roy M. Martin, the band director. Roger had begun playing the cornet under the teaching of Fred Martin, brother to Roy, during junior high, and he continued this under the direction of his step-father.

His special interest in music led him to choose Ouachita Baptist College in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Upon graduation with a Bachelor of Music degree in 1934, Dollarhide became director of bands in Grenada, Mississippi. While teaching in Grenada, his bands won superior ratings each year of his tenure. It was in Grenada that he met and married Adeline McCaslin. This union resulted in a family of four sons: Roger, Jr. (1942), David (1942), William (1946). And James (1952).

In 1938, Dollarhide was elected President of the Mississippi Bandmasters Association, and served two consecutive terms. He also served as Secretary-Treasure of region seven of the National School Band Association, as well as representative on the national board until 1944.

In 1943, Dollarhide accepted the position of Band Director in the Yazoo City Schools. In the years 1944 until 1956, he served as Principal of Greenwood Junior High School, music store owner, and director in Itta Bena, and in music sales. In 1956 he was employed by the Jackson Public School as Band Director  First at Bailey Junior High and then at Murrah High School until his retirement in 1973. During this period he as active in the Mississippi Music Educators Music Department, State Chairman of Phi Beta Mu, member of A.S.B.D.A., concert director of the  Lion’s All-State Band, and the performer with the Jackson Symphony.

Band, Orchestra and Choral Director, music teacher, performer: His life as been devoted to , and associated with, the art of music since the age of twelve. Under his leadership, and in cooperation with leaders such as Kooyman, Martin, Wamsley, and others, much was  accomplished in the “pioneer years” to establish concert bands as an important part of the educational process, in the minds of school administrator and the public.

Ernest C. Cadden, Jr. 1992

Ernest (Sonny) Cadden, Jr. was born in Amory, Mississippi,  in 1934, and began his career with bands in 1946 when, as a sixth grader, he attended his first State Band Festival. He spent seven years as a  student in the Amory band and returned to his Alma Mater in 1970 to serve and additional seven years as band director. Cadden received the Bachelor of the Arts in Music  (1956) and the Master of Education (1964) from the University of Mississippi, where he was solo clarinetist for three years.

Cadden’s first teaching position, in 1956, was as Band and Choral Director at Leland High School, a position he held until 1970. During the fourteen years in Leland, his bands were consistently rated “superior” in competition and were recognized in The School Musician by both Phi Beta Mu and ASBDA as “Band of the Month”. It was presented in First Chair of American three times. Cadden was presented the “Order of the Silver Horn” by First Chair of America in 1967. in 1969, Cadden was selected by The School Musician as “one of the top ten band directors in the United States and Canada.” While teaching in Leland, Cadden married the former Margaret Smith of Forest. They have three children: Lee, Carl, and Dollie. In 1970, Cadden returned to Amory, where he served as Band Director of the next seven years, during which time the Amory High School Band won many honors. At the 1973 Tri-State Band Festival in Enid, Oklahoma, the band was selected “The Most Outstanding in Class”, in Concert,  Marching, and Parade, and in Concert and Parade in 1977.

Cadden has served as President of the MMEA, Band Division in 1968 and 1973, and Treasurer of the MMEA, in 1971 and 1972. He is also Past President of Phi Mu, Delta Chapter and was State ASBDA Chairman four years. Other honors include Past President of Band Director’s Associations in Districts I and III, Past President District III Choral Director’s Association. He has been honored with lifetime membership in the MMEA Band Division, forerunner of the Mississippi Bandmaster Association.

In 1989, he was named McNairy County (TN) “Citizen of the Year” and Is Past President of the Selmer, Tennessee Rotary Club.

Cadden was conductor of the Greenville Symphony Orchestra from 1966 until 1969 and was Concert Director of the Mississippi Lions’ All-State Band in 1962, 1966, 1969, and 1974.

In 1976, Cadden received the coveted “Mac” award, named in Memory of A. H. McAllister, eminent American bandmaster and outstanding leader in the field of music education in American.

J.H. Rennick 1992

J.H Rennick, born June 13, 1895, is a native of Nebraska. He received his Bachelor of Arts and Science Degree from University of Nebraska in 1922 and did graduate work oat Arkansas A & M in Monticello. He came to Mississippi in 1945 to teach at Greenville High School, where he remained until his retirement in 1962.  While in Greenville his bands were renowned for there artistry and musicianship.  His Greenville High School Band was presented in First Chair of American in recognition of its musical excellence. Rennick’s resume lists 45 + years in education, of which more than eighteen were in Mississippi.

His bands won superior ratings and were recognized for their musicianship at festivals in both Mississippi and Oklahoma, where they participated in the Tri-State Band Festival on several occasions.

Rennick is a Charter Member of Phi Beta Mu, Delta Chapter. With colleague Roy Martin, he was co-founder of the Mississippi affiliate of the American School Band Directors’ Association (ASBDA). He is also a member of Kappa Kappa Psi, and in 1977 was eleced to the University of Mississippi Band Directors’ Hall of Fame.

he has contributed several instrumental music articles to music education magazines in the Midwest and has served as a judge at band festivals in Nebraska, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Alabama, as well as many solo and ensemble festivals around the country. He received a citation from The School Musician magazine and was featured in the “They are Making American Musical” section of that nationally circulated magazine.

Rennick’s resume reflects a number of former students who have gone on to become outstanding musicians in their own right. That number includes Dr. Sherman Hong (USM), Dr. John Hanberry (Mississippi College), John Anthony (Jackson Public Schools) and many other high school instrumental music teachers around the country.


Victor W. Zajec retired as Professor of Music at VanderCook College of Music, after serving on that faculty since 1963. he was dean of the Graduate School, taught all woodwind and brass instruments, music theory, music critic and analysis, instrument repair, and director of the Symphonic Band.

Prior to joining the VanderCook faculty, he directed high school band in Charleston and Philadelphia, Mississippi for sixteen years. In 1948, Zajec accepted a position in the Charleston School System teaching instrumental music to all levels. He also directed the Methodist Church choir and taught violin to several students. After six years in Charleston, he accepted a position in the Philadelphia City School. He also took a position as the Hamasa temple Shrine Band Director in Meridian. Zajec was a director of the Mississippi Lions All- state band fro 1954-1959 in concert, marching and show. Under Zajec’s guidance, the Philadelphia High School Band performed at the prestigious Mis- West National Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago. Invitations to serve as guest conductor, adjudicator, and clinician have taken Zajec to more than thirty states.

he earned the BMEd and MMEd degrees from VanderCook College of Music. Other training includes graduate work at the University of Houston, Cincinnati Conservatory, University of Southern Mississippi, American University in Foutainbleau (France) and Roosevelt University in Chicago. He received and Honorary Doctor of Music Degree to VanderCook, and at the 1990 Mid-West International Band Clinic, the Board awarded him their “Medal of Honor”.

Zajec is a current member of Kappa Kappa Psi, CBDNA, and the Mid-West Band and Orchestra Clinic Board. He was Formerly active in the ASBDA and has been honored with the lifetime membership in the MMEA, of which he is Past President.

His tenure at VanderCook lasted twenty-five years, ending with his retirement in 1988. he was awarded the ”Citation for Distinguished Service” by the VanderCook College Alumni Association. He has also received the “Outstanding Bandmaster Award”

 from Phi Beta Mu. Zajec is a member of the prestigious American Bandmaster’ Association (ABA). Kappa Kappa Psi  Nation Band Fraternity has been  awarded him the “A. Frank Martin” award for outstanding bandmasters. He currently Chairs the ABA “Edwin Frank Martian” award for outstanding band masters. He currently Chairs the ABA “Edwin Franco Goldman Citation” Committee. He is also Chairman of the John Phillip Sousa Foundations “Historic Roll of Honor” for High School Bands.

John Thomas McArthur, Jr. 1993


John Thomas McArthur, Jr. was involved with bands in Mississippi from 1950 when he began playing trombone at Philadelphia High School, Until his death in 1992. During his senior year at Mississippi Southern College he began by teaching one year at Macon High School prior to military service.

During his undergraduate years at Southern, McArthur played trombone in the Pride of Mississippi, spending many weekends on the road with Kent Sills and the Southernaires where he played piano. It was during these years that he met Edythe Moore, whom he later married.

Nine years were spent in Waynesboro, during which the band program grew in size and quality to be one of the more respected Class CC band in the state. While living in Waynesboro, John and Edythe attended a summer session at VanderCook College of Music, which both consider to have been an important milestone in their musical development. During the Waynesboro years, the McArthurs saw the birth of two sons, John Erwin (Jay) in 1963 and Walter Christopher (Chris) in 1965. Jay and Chris followed in their portent's footsteps, becoming fine high school musicians and band directors. McArthur also completed his Master’s degree at Mississippi State University during this time.

In 1968, the McArthurs moved to Starkville where he became high school band director. Building on the successful heritage of the Starkville band program, McArthur produced fine concert and marching bands which attended state, national, and international competitions amassing numerous awards, including all-Superior ratings every year at the State Band Festival. The 1970 trip to the Tri-State Festival in Enid, Oklahoma saw the “Band of the Blue and the Grey” take home straight superior ratings in Concert, Sight-reading , Marching, and Parade. The band was named Outstanding in Class in Concert and Marching and won First Place in the “Million Dollar Parade.”

In 1971, McArthur’s Starkville Band was the first Mississippi high school band to travel abroad when it attended the Youth and Music Festival in Vienna. While in Europe, his band not only won Best in Class awards in both Concert and Marching, but also placed second in the International Parade.

McArthur served as President of the MMEA-Band Division in 1970. He was a member of the Board of Phi Beta Mu and its President in 1970. The same year, he served as Associate Concert Director with the Mississippi Lions All-State Band. He received the Medal of Honor from the City of Vienna for Progress and International Cooperation in Music in 1970. McArthur was named Phi Beta Music Outstanding  Band Director in 1971, Outstanding Secondary Educator in 1973, and Distinguished Bandmaster of America by First Chair of American in 1976.

For a number of years McArthur was affiliated with Mississippi Music Inc. before returning to teaching at West Point in 1991, a position he held until his death on September 1, 1992.

Robert W. Work 1993

Born in Hammond, Indiana, in 1918, Robert Work began study on his cornet in the fourth grade. While in high school, he participated in four National Solo Contests, receiving two superior ratings. The  judges for these contests were Hebert L. Clark and Frank Simon, two of John Philip cornet soloists.

In 1936, Robert entered the University of Illinois in the Concert Band under the direction of Dr. A. Harding. To help with school expenses, he worked as a copyist for the band. He copied sixty pages of music each month at  a salary of fifteen dollars. After he received his Bachelor of Science degree, he taught instrumental music in middle Tennesse for two years.

In 1942, Robert was drafted into the Army and served his country for almost four years. When World War 2 ended, he resumed his teaching at University High School, University of Mississippi. Since there was no band in Oxford in 1947, Robert started a band with all beginners in grades four through twelve. His bands received many Superior ratings, being recognized for their musicianship in both Mississippi and Oklahoma. In 1951, the University of Mississippi granted him a Master of Arts degree.

on several occasions, the University High School Band participated in the Tri-State Music Festival in Enid Oklahoma. One judge had this to say about the band: “ What a refreshing experience to hear this magnificent band perform! The Superintendent, Principal, and school board members should be proud of this band.” Superior ratings were received in Concert, Marching, and sight-reading. After teaching instrumental music in Oxford for thirty-two years, Robert retired in 1979.

Many of his former students and student teachers have been successful in their chosen fields. That number includes Ted Ammon, Ernest Cadden, Dr. Andrew Fox, Dr. Robert Jordan, Ernest Kirkpatrick, and Kelly Love.

Robert served as President of MMEA Band Division in 1957. he is a Member of Phi Mu Alpha and American School Band Directors Association and is an honorary life member of the Mississippi Music Educators Association, Band Division. He was selected one of the Lions All-State Band directors in 1952, 1961, and 1969. When a new music complex was added to Oxford High School in 1987, the Oxford School Board named the new facility the Robert W. Work Music Hall.


Dr. Laurin P. Crowder graduated from Kosciusko High School and holds the Bachelor of Music degree from Murray State University, the Masters of Arts from the University of Alabama, and the Ph. D. from Louisiana State University. He began his teaching career in the Laurel Public School system where he was the Band Director at Jones Junior High School and also High School Choral Director. He organized Mississippi’s first credit-course high school stage band during his two years in the Laurel system.

His next position was at Newton High School where he was Director of Bands and Choral Director. He began a five-year stint at E.E. Bass Junior High School in Greenville in 1954. In 1959, he became Assistant Director of Bands at Mississippi State University, and in 1968, was elevated to the position of Director of Bands, a position he held until 1978. his Symphonic and Marching Band have appeared all over the South, including a performance at the College Band Director’s National Association Conference. From 1978 until his retirement in 1993, Dr. Crowder was involved, as Professor of Music Education, in graduate instruction at the university. In 1993 he was named Professor Emeritus by Mississippi State University.

Dr. Crowder has written over 500 compositions and arrangements for band, orchestra, chorus, stage band, and various instrumental ensembles. He has performed, professionally, as a trumpeter and keyboardist for many year. His experience included engagements with the Louisville, Kentucky Symphony Orchestra, the Baton Rouge Symphony and the Jackson Symphony Orchestra. At one time or another, he has worked with almost all the high school bands in the state of Mississippi. He is a member of Phi Beta Mu, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, the Mississippi Music Educator’s Association, and many other professional organizations. He is a National Honorary Member of Kappa Kappa Psi. Dr. Crowder has been Musical Director for the Mississippi Miss Hospitality Pageant and the Mississippi Junior Miss Pageant.

Twice a Director of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band, Dr. Crowder wrote the lobby shows for this organization for trips to San Francisco and Chicago.

His adjudication experience includes assignments all over the United States involving Band, Orchestra, Stage Band, and Marching Band events. He has also served as guest conductor of all-star and all-state bands all over the South. Among his hobbies are chess and flying. He is a five-time Mississippi Chess Champion and flies his own Cessna Cutlass.

Presently he performs with his jazz ensemble, the Starmark Trio, and is active on the staff of the communications service American Online, where he is a Microsoft Windows expert, Hosts the Current Events discussion seminar Encounterpoint, and Hosts the game he developed for this service, Treasure Hunt. His original icon collections, developed for America Online as Wizard 1. have generated over 18,000 downloads.

Franklin Coffee Heard 1994


Franklin Coffee Heard was born October 3, 1911, in Itta Bena, Mississippi, the son of Edward Heard and Sarah Coleman Heard. Heard’s musical training began in his home. His mother, a piano teacher, gave all five of h er children musical training. Each child played a musical instrument.  Frank played the corent. His early musical instruction was supplemented by cornet lessons with a qualified instructor in Greenwood, Mississippi.

Heard finished at Itta Bena High School and graduated with honors from Millsaps College, with majors in English and Latin. With Millsaps, he played in the Millsaps College Band, serving as Captain for several years.

Upon graduation from Millsaps College, Heard organized and directed the Okolona High School Band. Heard took the required examination to obtain his license and qualify to enter his hand in the Mississippi State Band Contest. The Okolona High School Band received high honors at the Mississippi State Band Contest in Concert, Sight-reading, and Drilling.

in 1936, Heard accepted the position of director of the Natchez High School Band. Here, too, Heard organized the band program where he remained until 1953. His bands were always outstanding, making Superior ratings at the Mississippi State Band Contest. His influence on the lives of his students is evident today. Many of his students entered  the music field as a profession while many other have enriched their lives using their musical training as an avocation. In 1938, Heard married Beth Nichols. They had two sons, Frank Coffee Heard, Jr. and David Nichols Heard. During his summer vacations, Heard attended Northwestern University School of Music in Evanston, I Illinois, and earned his degree in 1943.

Upon his retirement as band director from the public schools in Natchez, Heard opened and successfully operated a retail music store in the city, continuing to cooperate with the various music programs in the city until his death, July 19, 1985.



Born in Newton, Mississippi, June 8, 1924, Williams graduated from Newton High School and enrolled at Mississippi Southern College in Fall of 1942.  In December of 1942, he enlisted in the Navy as a bandsman.  Following his service career, he returned to Southern in the Spring of 1946 as a music major.

Williams accepted the Philadelphia High School Band job in 1948.  The support of the school and community contributed to the success of the program which he directed for six years.

After a three year stint at Morton High School, Thomas West, Director of Bands at Mississippi State University, hired him as the Assistant Director.

Williams became associated with Wright Music Company and for four years worked as an Educational Representative.  These provided to be valuable years when he later taught band organization classes.

In 1965, Warren Central opened as a new school.  With broad administrative and parental support and enthusiastic students, the band experienced early success under Williams’ leadership.  He completed a Masters Degree in School Administration at Mississippi College while in Vicksburg.

An opportunity to join Dr. Jim Ferguson as Assistant Director of the Ole Miss Band in 1967 prompted a move to Oxford.  After four years in this role, Williams joined the faculty in the Music Department to teach lower brass methods and band organization.

One of his most enjoyable assignments was that of supervising practice teachers.  He spent time with local administrators as a liaison for the University of Mississippi.  He perceived each student’s problem or confrontation as a challenge and delighted in assisting the student to an acceptable solution.  He seldom messed a faculty or student recital as he respected their hours of preparation and was committed to their support.  Upon the resignation of the Music Department Chairman, Williams served as Acting Chairman during the 1973-74 session.

A plan for early retirement and a new lifestyle of country living was undertaken in the Spring of 1979.  He took great satisfaction in being involved in the construction of a new house.

A second rewarding accomplishment which he shared with Peggy, his wife, was that of timber management which allowed them to spend days in the woods.  Another area of exploration was that of horticulture in which he developed a small wholesale operation.

Serving as Inspection Judge at the State Band Festival after retirement provided a delightful opportunity for Williams to again be involved with bands, directors, and adjudicators.  His criteria for determining ratings were carefully studied as he sought to be just in his decisions.

In June of 1985, his diagnosis of lung cancer and asbestosis devastated the Williams family.  Seventeen months later, after a courageous battles, he chose to abandon further life support measures.  His immediate survivors include his wife of thirty-seven years, Peggy McGough Williams and daughter Olivia Williams Hudson and grandchildren, Clint and Fran Hudson.


Dale Kelly Love, a free lance arranger of and music, hold Bachelor and Master of Music Degrees from the University of Mississippi. Love, born in Yazoo City, Mississippi, August 23, 1930, began his musical training on trombone with directors James Johnson and James Neeld in Yazoo City.

Following high school graduation, Love joined the Bailey Brothers Circus Band for a three-month tour and then enrolled at the Sherwood Music School in Chicago where he studied trombone privately with Frank Crisafulli, Chicago Symphony and Tommy Shepherd, CBS-TV.

In the Spring of 1949, Love transferred to Mississippi Southern College in Hattiesburg and spent that summer touring Canada with the Robbins Bothers Circus. He transferred to Ole Miss the Fall of 1950, where he received a Bachelor of Music degree in 1952 and the Master of Music degree in 1960. While there, he was active as a member of the band, the orchestra, and two dance bands until his graduation in 1952. A two-year tour of Army duty followed with the 8th Division Band, Fort Jackson and the 3rd Army Band, Atlanta, Georgia.

Love began his teaching career in 1954 in Batesville, moving to Holmes Junior College in 1955. From 1956-1968 he was director at Starkville High School where his band received all-superior ratings at the  Mississippi State Band Festival for twelve consecutive years and at the Tri-State Band Festival in End, Oklahoma in 1962. Love’s “Band of the Blue and Gray” became widely recognized as a unique military precision marching unit.

From 1968-1973, he was Marching Band Director and Director of Bands at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana and moved to the University of Southern Mississippi in 1973, as Associate Director of Bands and Director of the “Pride of Mississippi” Marching Band, a position he held until 1986. For ten years, with “The Pride” as the featured band, Love arranged the music and charted the shows for the half-time spectaculars for the Mobile, Alabama, Senor Bowl games. His university bands have appeared on six national television networks. In 1994, he was one of the first inductees into the USM ”Pride” Hall of Fame. Widely recognized for his knowledge of marching band techniques and his skills as an arranger, Love spent many summers at VanderCook College of Music in Chicago as a Visiting Professor, teaching marching technique classes and graduate level band arranging courses. While a member of the Arranging Staff of Warner Brothers Publications, his arrangement of “The Hustle” was the largest seller in the history of the company.

Love was Director of All-Star Marching Bands in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida and served four years as Marching Director and one year as Manager, Concert, and Marching Director of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band. His 1962 All-State Band won first place at the International Lions Convention in Nice, France. He has served extensively as a band clinician and adjudicator.

A Charter Member and Past President of Delta Chapter, Phi Beta Mu, Love was President of MMEA/Band Division in 1961, and is a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Kappa Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Lambda, CBDNA, and ASBDA.

Love was married in 1955 to Georgane Ferguson of Batesville. They have one son, Dale Kelly, Jr. and a granddaughter Megan.



 Bands were a major force in the life of Edythe Moore McArthur since she began playing trombone in the sixth grade at Lexington Elementary School.  The high points in her high school years were band clinics, band camps, and two years membership in the Mississippi All-State Lions Band. 

During her years at Mississippi Southern College, where she received the Bachelor of Music Education degree, she was a member of the Marching and Symphonic Bands, and the Symphony Orchestra.  A charter member of Mu Phi Epsilon and Tau Beta Sigma.  She was the first president of Tau Beta Sigma.  It was during those years that she met John McArthur whom she married in 1958.

After teaching in high schools in Taylorsville, Pelahatchie, and in Wayne County for ten years, Mrs. McArthur began working with junior high bands when the McArthurs moved to Starkville in 1968.  It was at the junior high that she spent the remainder of her career feeling that this was where she could make the greatest contribution both to the student and to the band program with which she was associated.

During the thirteen years she directed the Starkville Henderson Junior High School Band, Mrs. McArthur led the group to consistent Superior ratings in Concert, Sight Reading, and Marching.  The band was frequently invited to perform at various directors’ workshops including the New Materials Clinic at Mississippi State University, the Instrumental Conductors Conference at the University of Southern Mississippi, the ARK-LA-TEX conference at Louisiana Tech, and a Capitol Concert in observance of National Music Week.  The band was also featured as Band of the Month in the School Musician magazine.  Individual students were recognized for their excellence in solo and ensemble contests and participation in clinic bands.  Several were selected for membership in the Mississippi Lions All-State Band.  Individually and collectively, the band attained a high reputation for outstanding performance and was held in high regard throughout the area.

Among the things Mrs. McArthur considers most rewarding about the Starkville years was the experience of having both her sons, John Erwin (Jay) and Christopher (Chris) under her direction in the Henderson Junior High Band.  The McArthurs were very proud when both sons chose to enter the teaching profession as band directors.

After leaving Starkville in 1981, Mrs. McArthur taught in Picayune, Gautier, and West Point where she retired in 1996.

Mrs. McArthur received several honors in recognition of her contributions to instrumental music in Mississippi.  She was the first woman in Mississippi to be elected to membership in the American School Band Directors Association (ASBDA) and Phi Beta Mu.  She was also the first woman to serve as director of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band in which capacity she served twice.  She has been recognized as the Phi Beta Mu Outstanding Bandmaster and has served on the Mississippi Bandmasters Association Executive Board.

She joins her late husband, John, in the Mississippi Bandmasters Association/Phi Beta Mu Hall of Fame, the first couple to be so honored. 


John Gary Cook was born May 7, 1940, in Bon Homie, near Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He began his training in instrumental music as a cornet student in the fifth grade at Century Elementary School in Century, Florida. His family moved to Sumrall, Mississippi in 1951, where he continued his participation in the band under band director, Reed Carter.

While a junior at Sumrall High School, he moved from cornet to euphonium and as a member of the 1958 Mississippi Lion’s All-State Band he earned the first chair position in his section.

Cook was graduated with honors from Sumrall High School in 1958. in the fall of the year, he enrolled at The University of Southern Mississippi where he began his formal education in instrumental music. As an undergraduate, he was greatly influenced by Dr. Raymond Mannoni, Robert Hayes, Dr. Gamer Pound. Dr. Gilbert Satre, Raymond Young, and Dr. William Moody. He received his bachelor’s degree in Music Education in 1962 and began his teaching career that same year at Carr Junior High School in Vicksburg.

In 1963, he accepted the position of band director at Petal High School. Enrollment in the band program doubled. During the ten years at Petal his bands earned twenty-five superior rating in contests.

He served in the Hattiesburg Public Schools as Supervisor of Instrumental Music from 1973 to 1976. his band at Blair High School received superior ratings in every event entered.

In the summer of 1976, he returned to U.S.M. as a doctoral student where his duties included Assistant Director of the marching band and the Conductor of the Varsity Concert Band.

In 1977, he became Director of Bands in the Warren County School in Vicksburg. His responsibilities included supervision of music faculty at the elementary, junior and senior high schools, and directorship of the Warren Central marching, symphonic, and jazz bands. Cook’s warren Central bands received superior ratings at every contest entered. He remained in this position twelve years. The Warren Central Symphonic Band performed at the U.S.M. Instrumental Conductors Conference,  the Southeastern United States Band Clinic in Troy, Alabama, and was judged “Best in Class” 5A concert band at eh Festival of Champions in Panama City, Florida.

Cook’s honors include: Mississippi Economic Council’s Star Teacher; Phi Beta Mu’s “Most Outstanding Director”, in 1971, 1985; Director of Mississippi Lions All-State Band in 1977, 1980, 1983; the “MAC” Award, a national award recognition of outstanding directors, 1977, 1986; National Federation’s Outstanding Music Educator in the Southeastern States, 1989; National Band Association's Citation of Excellence, 1994; and Phi Mu Alpha’s Orpheus Award, 1996; executive board of the Mississippi Bandmasters Association, 1984 and served as its president, 1987-1988; President of Delta Chapter, Phi Beta Mu, 1995-1996.

he has served as marching and concert adjudicator in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Tennessee. His professional affiliations include: Mississippi Association of Educators, Missisisppi Bandmasters Association, Kappa Kappa Psi, Phis Beta Mu, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Phi Kappa Phi, and Pi Kappa Lambda.

In the summer of 1989 he became Director of Bands at Delta State University in Cleveland, MS. There his duties included conducting the Wind ensemble, the Marching Band, and supervision of student teaching.

He and his wife, Hanna, have one daughter, Whitney.


Badrae L. Hannah was born in Greenwood, Mississippi and attended Broad Street High School where he played trumpet in the school band. After graduation, he attended Mississippi Vocational College (Mississippi Valley State University) and completed an undergraduate degree in Music Education. He received a master’s degree form the university of Southern Mississippi in Music Education.

Hannah taught in Mississippi schools thirty-five years. His teachin career started at North-Gulfport High School. He then taught at d’Iberville High School in Biloxi, Oxford High School, and Biloxi High School.

In his thirteen years at Biloxi High School his bands were rated superior in concert nine times and in marching ten times. In 1994 the Biloxi band received the school’s first all-Superior rating in more than fifty years.

Over his career, Hannah's bands earned superior ratings at a number of Six-Flags events and appeared at such prestigious events as the Instrumental Conductors’ Conference at USM and the 1984 World’s Fair in New Orleans. His bands played for numerous dignitaries-including two United States Presidents.

in 1977 Hannah became the first African-American to be initiated into Delta Chapter of Phi Beta Mu and served as its president in 1989. Hannah's 1979 election as president of the Mississippi Bandmasters Association set a precedent for other African-American directors. He was the first African-American to hold that office before the two organization ere merged.

He was selected Star Teacher at d’Iberville High School four times and in 1974 the schools year book was dedicated to him. He was chosen as Omega Psi Phi “Man of the Year” in 1981 and was elected by Phi Beta Mu as Band Director.

His professional membership affiliations have included Phi Beta Mu, American School Band Directors Association, National Band Association, Mississippi Bandmaster Association, and Gulf Coast Band Directors Association.

He has served on the Advisory Board of the Mississippi High School Activities Association and is demand as clinician and adjudicator thought the Southeast.

Kent Sills 2000

Dr. Kent Sills began his teaching career as band director at Lumberton High School in 1956 before accepting a similar position at Clarksdale High School in 1961. he went to Mississippi State University in 1967 as Assistant Director of Bands and was later to become only the sixth director in the band's long and storied history.

He served as Marching Director of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band twice- in 1958 when the band went to New York City and in 1964 for the trip to Toronto, Canada. He was later to serve as manager/ director of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band from 1982 until 1997.

Dr. Sills’ membership in professional organizations included College Band Directors National Association, Mississippi Bandmasters Association, National Association College Wind and Percussion Instructors, and Phi Beta Mu.

A graduate of Kosciusko High School, Dr. Sills holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree (1956) and Master of Education degree (1959) from the University of Southern Mississippi. Dr. Sills other degrees includes a Master of Music (1967) and Doctor of Arts (1977) from the University of Mississippi.

he received the Outstanding Contributor Award from Phi Beta Mu at the 1996 Mississippi State Band Clinic. They have one son Dr. Al Sills.


David Sandidge received his Bachelor of Science degree at Memphis State University where he was feature soloist in the orchestra and played with the Memphis Symphony. He was principal horn in the Eighth Infantry Division Band for two years. He studied with professional horn players, Miles Markuscha and James Chambers and earned his Master of Music Education Degree at the University of Mississippi. He did post graduate work at Mississippi State University, University of Mississippi, and University of Southern Mississippi.

David Sandidge was band director at Gulfport High School, Ms, from 1973-1985. During his time, the Gulfport High School Band, grades 10-12, was selected “Best in Class” at the Six Flags Over Georgia Invitational Band Contest, rated “superior” in parade, marching, and concert at Contraband Band Contest in Lake Charles, Louisiana, and ranked in the top five of 27 bands in the highest classification at he Great American Band Contest in Orlando, Florida. The band performed by invitation at the Mississippi State University Reading Clinic, the University of Southern Mississippi Conductor’s Conference in ‘’79, ’82’, and ’85, the Delta Band Festival, and the Tupelo Band Festival. The band consistently made superior ratings at state contest in concert, sightreading, and marching. The Gulf Coast Marching Band Festival and the Gulf Coast Band Directors Association Clinic.

Mr. Sandidge was previously band director in Bruce, MS, Hazlehurst, MS, and Clarksdale, MS. He retired from the Birdville Independent School District in Texas in 1997 after twelve years teaching in North Richland Hills and Haltom City. On his return to Mississippi he has directed the Hebron Christian School Band since 2001, whre he received superiors in Concert and sightreading both years. In 2003  the Herbon Band was inducted into he Mid South Hall of Fame.

He served as director of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band for eleven years: seven years as concert director, two years as marching director, and two years as assistant director-manager. The Lions Band won the international parade completion both years that he served as marching director.

in 1984, Mr. Sandidge was honored with the Phi Beta Mu Award for “Outstanding Band Director in Mississippi”, and in 1985, the National Band Association’s Award for “excellence in Music Education”. A proclamation by the mayor, in 1985, created “David Sandidge Day” in Gulfport, MS. In 2000 he was elected a charter member of the Gulf coast Band Directors Association “Hall of Fame’, and again was presented the National Band Association’s “Citation of Excellence”.

Mr. Sandidge has served as president of Mississippi Bandmasters’ Association, twice president and permanent executive secretary of Phi Beta Mu, Delta Chapter, twice president and executive secretary of the Gulf Coast Band Directors Association, founder and president of the Northeast Mississippi Band Directors Association, president of the Central Mississippi Band Directors Association, and president of the Delta Band s Association. He was elected President of the Mississippi Private School Band Association in 2003. For twelve years he was a member of Texas Bandmasters Association, the Texas Music Educators Association, and Phi Beta Mu, Alpha Chapter.

Mr. Sandidge has served as adjudicator and clinician in Louisiana, Arkansas, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Tesas, and Mississippi.

Larry Howell 2005

Larry Howell received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Music Education from Mississippi State University in 1963. During his undergraduate years, he served as President of the MSU Band and helped organize Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, serving as charter president. He earned his Master of Music Education Degree in 1966. In 1970 Mr. Howell was certified in Guidance and Vocational Guidance, and in 1983 he earned a AA certification I Administration. From 1963-1985 he was on the teaching staff and was Band Director at MSU Summer Music Camp. Many of his students won individual and group-trophies during these camps. Mr. Howell was High School Band Director in Okolona, MS, from 1963-66. The band improved during these years under his direction. He had many outstanding students. One performed professionally and now teaches on the university level.

Larry Howell moved to Louisville, MS, serving as High School Band Director and Director of Bands from 1966 to 1979. During his tenure the Louisville HS Band received many superiors and honors. The band was selected in 1970 for First Chair of America. Louisville HS and Junior HS bands performed as guest concert bands at the 1973 University of Southern Mississippi Conductor’s Conference. Under his leadership in Louisville, his students were regularly selected to Lion’s All State Band and earned numerous superiors in MS Solo and Ensemble Festivals. Many students have gone on to be professional recording performers and band directors in MS, FL, TX, TN, & GA. Mr. Howell was elected to the 1971 Executive Board of MMEA, Band Division, serving through the offices to President of MMEA Band Division in 1974. He was honored as 1972 Outstanding Young Educator of the Year by Winston County Jaycees, and he was president of Louisville’s Lion’s Club. In the same year, he was invited to be a member of ASBDA. He was chosen to be Lion’s All State Concert Director I 1973 and again in 1977. In 1973 Mr. Howell was appointed Honorary Colonel & Aide-de-Camp, Governor’s Staff by Governor Bill Waller. Mr. Howell was named as Distinguished Bandmaster of America “First Chair of American” in 1976. he was honored with the 1977 Outstanding Bandmaster Award by Phi Beta Mu. Mr. Howell was elected to serve as  President of Mississippi Music Educators Association; during this time he represented Mississippi at the International Music Camp In-Service Conference at Interlocken, MI. As president of MMEA he received national recognition at the 1978 Music Educators National Conference that was held in Chicago, IL, for registering the greatest membership increase in state membership. During that year he was responsible for organizing the first “Unified Convention for Music Education” in Mississippi for All State Band, All State Chorus, and All State Orchestra.

In 1979 Larry Howell accepted the position of High School Band Director at Dalton, GA. That year Dalton HS Concert Band received their first superior ratings in Concert and Sight Reading. They won first place at Atlantic States marching Festival and the Peach State marching Festival. The band won the 1980 Grand Champion trophy at the Desoto National Marching Festival in Bradenton, FL. Mr. Howell moved bank to Louisville, MS. He the returned to the Louisville Band Program as Band Director. He served as 1989 president of Phi Beta Mu, Delta Chapter, and was a member of the Phi Beta Mu committee which founded the MS Band Directors Hall of Fame. He also served on the State Board for MS Lion’s All State Band and served as a member of the State Committee to write the Music Aim Plan. Larry Howell worked for Mississippi Music, Inc., as Band Representative out of the Meridian, MS, store from January 1986-95, serving bands and their directors in east central Mississippi.

In 1995 Mr. Howell became Band Director for a new consolidated school band program at Newton County High School. During the following four years, the new band was very successful. He served as MSU Alumni Band President form 1995-97.

Mr. Howell retired from public schools in 1999. he serves as Delta Chapter’s executive secretary for Phi Beta Mu International Bandmasters Fraternity. He still serves on the Alumni Band Board, with their ultimate goal- the realization of a new band hall at Mississippi State University. He serves as a board officer of the Red Hills Arts Foundation to build a community home for the arts in Louisville, MS. From 1997-2005 he has xo-directed with a former student an annual benefit “Home for Christmas Concert” for Louisville, MS, natives who are performers, songwriters, and Grammy Award winners. Mr. Howell continues to serve each year as a stage manager at MHSAA Concert and Sight Reading Festival and as a guest conductor, announcer, and adjudicator in Mississippi and Alabama.

David Young 2005

David W. Young retired as Professor of Instrumental Music and Director of Bands in the William Carey College School of Music in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where he established the degree program for instrumental music.  He holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Delta State University and a Master of Music Education degree from Mississippi State University. 

Having held high school directorships in Ruleville and Grenada (Mississippi), he served as Director of Bands at Holmes Junior College before moving to Jones Junior College (Ellisville, Mississippi) in 1981 to assume a similar position. There he became the leader of a group of collegiate musicians who, under his direction, rapidly gained a reputation as one of the most entertaining marching showbands in the southeastern United States. Significant recognition for the Jones Junior College “Maroon Typhoon” came with their 1990 appearance in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. The first selection of a Mississippi band for this prestigious event in 25 years, their performance resulted in a invitation to participate in the New Year’s Day Festival in London, England, as the Lord Mayor of London’s featured band. In addition to his dynamic leadership of the “Typhoon,” Mr. Young was also credited with the building of a strong symphonic band program at Jones.

Prior to his retirement from public education in Mississippi, Mr. Young was an active member of the Mississippi Community/Junior College Band Association, having been instrumental in its founding and serving as its first president. He also served as conductor of the Mississippi Junior College All-State Band, and at a ceremony honoring his retirement, the Association publicly recognized his years of achievement and dedicated service to Mississippi bands. Named to Outstanding Young Men of America and to Outstanding Bandmasters of the 20th Century, he was also honored by his undergraduate university for his contributions in the field of music when he was inducted into the Delta State University Music Hall of Fame. He was also selected for inclusion in the Mississippi Who’s Who in areas of both music education and religion.

Mr. Young is in continuing demand as conductor, adjudicator, and clinician for both concert and marching band events throughout the southern United States. His musical interests are many and diverse. He is in his sixth season as Director of the City of Hattiesburg Concert Band, of which he has been a performing member since its origination in 1982. In 1997 he established both Hub City Swing, a 40’s-style jazz group, and Jubilant Brass, a contemporary Christian instrumental quintet. Active in the field of church music, he has long years of service as a church choral and instrumental director and has been a member of the Mississippi Singing Churchmen for more than 20 years and, in addition, leads the Churchmen’s Brass. He directs the Mississippi Baptist All-State Youth Orchestra, which he founded in 1992, and in 1999 was named Instrumental Consultant for the Church Music Department of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board and now serves as director of the Mississippi Baptist Symphony Orchestra. 

Floyd Stevens 2007

Floyd Stevens grew up in Lucedale, in South Mississippi.  He graduated from Lucedale High School in 1962 and continued his education at the University of Southern Mississippi graduating in 1966 with a Bachelor of Music Education degree.  He received a Master of Music Education degree in 1972 from the University of Colorado with post graduate work at the University of Mississippi, Delta State University, and the University of Southern Mississippi.  Mr. Stevens taught in the Tishomingo County Schools starting the band programs at Burnsville and Tishomingo Schools.  In the fall of 1966, Mr. Stevens moved to Tupelo where he taught for 39 years, 4 years at Milam Junior High School and 35 years as Director of Bands at Tupelo High School. 

Mr. Stevens’ Milam Junior High and Tupelo High School Bands consistently received Superior ratings at regional festivals as well as State Band Festival in Concert, Sight Reading, and Marching.  In National Competitions the Tupelo Bands consistently earned Superior Ratings and Best In Class Awards.  These Music Festivals included Tri-State Music Festival in Enid, Oklahoma four times plus many other National Music Festivals throughout the Eastern United States including San Antonio, Orlando, Tampa, Chicago, and Washington, DC.  The Tupelo Band represented the State of Mississippi in the 1989 Presidential Inaugural Parade for President George Bush in Washington, DC and in the 2002 Fiesta Bowl Parade and Championship in Phoenix, Arizona.  In 1997 the Tupelo Band Program was recognized with the ASBDA Award of Excellence for Mississippi which recognizes band programs that consistently exhibit high standards of excellence at all levels over long periods of time. 

Mr. Stevens is a member of the Mississippi Bandmasters Association, a Past President where he served on the Executive Committee for four years. While serving on the Executive Committee he was involved with the Band Organization’s transition from the MMEA Band Division to the present Mississippi Bandmasters Association serving as the second President of the present MBA.  He is a long time member of the Northeast Mississippi Band Directors Association where he was involved in the reorganization of the NEMBDA into its’ present day format and has served as President twice.  Mr. Stevens is a long time member of both the American School Band Directors Association and the National Band Association and served many years as State Chairman of both organizations.   Mr. Stevens was elected to become a member of the prestigious Delta Chapter of Phi Beta Mu Band Fraternity and later served as its’ President.  He has served on the Executive Board of the Lee County Forestry Association.  Mr. Stevens is a charter member of the Tupelo Symphony Orchestra where he has served on staff and as a performer with this professional orchestra frequently heard on the Mississippi Public Broadcast program, Mississippi Concert Hall.  He has also performed with Orchestras at USM, the University of Colorado, and the Gulf Coast Symphony Orchestra.

In 1971, Mr. Stevens started the Mississippi Invitational Marching Festival, the second oldest Marching Festival in the state and one of the most successful in the Southeast, and served as Coordinator for 34 years.  In that same year he was instrumental in starting the Tupelo Christmas Band Festival and Christmas Parade which consisted of two parades and afternoon concerts by high school and University bands.  In 1985 Mr. Stevens was selected as concert director of the Mississippi Lions All State Band.  In 1996, Mr. Stevens helped initiate the first “Drummin’ Down the Trace Drum and Bugle Corps Contest” which annually brings the best drum and bugle corps in the world to Tupelo.  In 2004 he was instrumental in initiating the first MHSAA-MBA State Marching Band Championship and presently serves as Championship Coordinator where he is responsible for all aspects of the Championship.  In 2006 Mr. Stevens was chosen to serve as Sight Reading Coordinator for State Band Festival.  Mr. Stevens has adjudicated Festivals and Contests or served as a clinician in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida, Arkansas, and South Carolina. 

Mr. Stevens was awarded the1982-83 Phi Beta Mu Outstanding Band Director Award for Mississippi and the 1986 George Henry Schultz Award for the Outstanding Band Director of Northeast Mississippi.  He is a two time recipient of the National Band Association “Citation of Excellence” award and was selected as Star Teacher for Tupelo High School 1999-2000.  In 2003 he was recognized with the “Teacher of Distinction Award” for Tupelo High School presented by the CREATE Foundation.  Mr. Stevens has been listed in The Outstanding Young Men of America, The World Who’s Who of Musicians and Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers twice.  Mr. Stevens was inducted into the Northeast Mississippi Band Directors Hall of Fame in 2006.  One of the greatest honors for Mr. Stevens is the knowledge that the majority of his students have continued their musical experiences in college with many becoming music performers, teachers and/or band directors on all levels including the university level.

Mr. Stevens is married to Linda Stejskal Stevens, USM 1967 with a Bachelor of Music Education degree, and they have three children.  Christopher Stevens graduated from USM in 1999 with a Bachelor of History degree.  Brian Stevens is a 1998 USM graduate with a Bachelor of Music degree in Percussion Performance.  Emily Stevens is a 2001 USM graduate with a Bachelor of Music Education degree with post graduate work at Arkansas State University.  All three of Mr. Stevens’ children are in the field of education with two of them as Music Educators.

Charles “Mickey” Grove 2007

Charles Michael Grove, began his instrumental music training in Jackson, Mississippi, first at Bailey Junior High, under the leadership of Leland Byler, and then at Central High, under the leadership of Louis Pullo. He continued his education at Hinds Junior College, Texas Christian University , and the University of Mississippi. He began his teaching career in Indianola, Mississippi, in 1960, while at the same time serving six years in the Mississippi Air National Guard. In 1970, he moved to Kosciusko, Mississippi, where he continued to teach until his retirement from full time teaching in 1989. During this time he held staff positions with the Kiltie Drum & Bugle Corps, of Racine, Wisconsin, the Memphis Blues Drum & Bugle Corps, of Memphis, Tennessee, and Southwind Drum & Bugle Corps, of Montgomery, Alabama. He served as director/manager of the Mississippi Lion’s All State Band, on numerous occasions including trips to Taiwan, and Australia. Additional musical activities include, serving as chancel choir director of FUMC Indianola, FBC Indianola, and FUMC Kosciusko. He was a regular staff member of summer music camps in Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Tennessee, and Arkansas. His organizational memberships include Phi Mu alpha Sinfonia, music fraternity, Phi Beta Mu bandmaster fraternity, charter member of Kappa Kappa Psi, University of Mississippi, and alumnae representative of Sigma Pi, social fraternity, University of Mississippi. He is a certified winter Guard International adjudicator, Bands of America adjudicator, and a member of the Gulfcoast Judging association. He was the recipient of the Phi Beta Mu, outstanding bandmaster award in 1974, twice named Mississippi Star Teacher, 1977, and 1981, and received the MAC award. Under his leadership, the Kosciusko, band was rated superior in concert, sight reading, and marching for eighteen  years. The band twice received the Fruehauf, trophy for best appearing band at the Tri State Festival, in Enid, Oklahoma. During his tenure, the band performed at the Delta Band Festival, Greenwood, Mississippi, the Tupelo Christmas Festival, the New Materials Clinic, Mississippi State, and the Conductors Conference, University of Southern Mississippi. The Kosciusko band was the recipient of two Bands of America class “A”, Summer Nationals championships, and three Regional class “A”, championships. Additional honors include, the Indianola band being featured as guest high school band at the Liberty Bowl, 1969, and the Kosciusko band being featured in the High School Activities Association magazine, as well as performing for President Nixon, on his visit to Jackson, Mississippi. On three occasions the band toured the Mid-West, competing and winning placement awards at each event. After completing twenty-nine years in public education, he was employed for nine years with Mississippi Music Inc., as music buyer and educational consultant. He resides in Kosciusko, and is still an active adjudicator, clinician, and music consultant. 

William Glen Buckalew 2010

William Glen Buckalew retired after teaching music in Mississippi for thirty years. The last twenty years he served as Director of Instrumental Music for the Gulfport School District. He was assistant director of bands for the Hattiesburg School District and the director of bands at Warren Junior High School in Vicksburg before moving to Gulfport.  Mr. Buckalew is a native Mississippian and a graduate of Hattiesburg High School.  He received his Bachelor of Music Education and Master of Music Education degrees from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Under Mr. Buckalew’s direction, the Gulfport High School Band received superior ratings for all contest and festival events including the 1999 Smoky Mountain Music Festival and was the 1991 winner of the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C.  In 1998, Mr. Buckalew was included in a feature article in Band and Orchestra Magazine.  That year he also received the prestigious “Legion of Honor Award” from the John Phillip Sousa Foundation.  Other awards include the National Federation Interscholastic Music Association Award, National Band Association Citation of Excellence – on two separate occasions, Phi Beta Mu Mississippi Band Director of the Year - on two separate occasions, A.S.B.D.A. Outstanding Band Director of Mississippi, Gulf Coast Band Directors Association Outstanding Band Director of the Year – on two separate occasions, and was the inaugural recipient of the A.E. McClain Outstanding Young Band Director for the state of Mississippi.  

He has served as an adjudicator and clinician throughout the Southeastern United States.  Mr. Buckalew was elected to the Executive Board of the Mississippi Band Masters Association and served that organization as president in 1993.  He has also served as president of the Gulf Coast Band Director’s Association and Phi Beta Mu.  Mr. Buckalew served as the first ever Fine Arts Advisor to the Executive Council of the Mississippi High School Activities Association.

His professional affiliations include membership in the Mississippi Bandmasters Association, Phi Beta Mu, National Band Association, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.

He is married to the former Soni Jo Guice.  They have two grown children, Lauren and Adam.  The Buckalews are active members of St. Paul United Methodist Church.

Thomas V. Fraschillo 2015

Thomas V. Fraschillo, DMA, has served as a catalyst and mentor for members of the teaching profession. His high standards of performance have had a sustained influence on ensembles at every level, and his performances serve as models in both the professional or academic arena. Through his recordings, The Music of Luigi Zaninelli and The University of Southern Mississippi Wind Ensemble LIVE IN ITALY (recorded in Italy), and his publishing, conducting, and lecturing in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia, he is considered an international musician/scholar. His publications, translations from the original Italian of Alessandro Vessella’s Studi di strumentazione (Instrumentation Studies), and La Tecnica dell’orchestra contemporanea (The Technique of Contemporary Orchestration) by Alfredo Casella and Vittorio Mortari, both published by BMG Ricordi, Milan, have put his name in libraries of the entire English speaking world. As a writer/scholar Dr. Fraschillo is a contributing editor to the American Grove Dictionary, 2nd Edition and serves as a frequent conductor and lecturer in Italy. His most recent appearances in Italy have been with La Banda dell’esercito/The Italian Army Band in Rome. One of his most significant engagements with them signaled a very important milestone for the Italian Army in that Dr. Fraschillo was the first American-born conductor to have been invited to appear in a public performance by what is considered Italy’s most prestigious military concert band. The concert with Dr. Fraschillo conducting was the opening concert of the International Festival in Spoleto, “The Festival of Two Worlds, Festival dei due mondi.” His appearance was enormously significant for conductors of bands in that the opening performance featured such international artists as Gian Carlo Menotti, the renowned composer, the Orchestra and Giuseppe Verdi Chorus of Milan, and the Italian actress, Claudia Cardinale. Finally, in Italy Dr. Fraschillo often serves as a member of the judging panel for many international festivals, most notably the Concorso Internazionale di Composizione “R. Marenco” di Novi Ligure, and the Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Originale per Banda di Corciano.

Aside from Dr. Fraschillo’s work in Europe, he is often engaged throughout the continents of Asia, and Australia. The Melbourne, Australia, Summer Youth Music Program has invited Dr. Fraschillo to be their guest conductor for their summer session for five years. In addition the Australian Band and Orchestra Directors Association has invited him to lecture and to adjudicate at their large ensemble festivals. Dr. Fraschillo’s other work in the Pacific Rim includes having served as clinician and guest conductor of the Central Armed Forces Band in Singapore and as conductor of the Singapore All-College Band sponsored by the Wind Band Association of Singapore. In 2009 and 2010 Dr. Fraschillo served as Artistic Director for the weeklong Winter Band Festival at Disney, Hong Kong.

Dr. Fraschillo has recently been recognized by election to the National Band Association’s Hall of Fame of Distinguished Conductors, a distinct honor that recognizes his lengthy career as a public school, university, and professional conductor.

Dr. Fraschillo devoted a significant amount of his career to the education of young people in Mississippi. For example his ten-year tenure at Meridian High School was highlighted by a performance at the Midwest Clinic in Chicago, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious music event for wind and string educators. The invitation was only the second to have been given to a band from Mississippi. Dr. Fraschillo’s Meridian students obtained successes not before reached, for he taught and helped place the first African-American students in the Mississippi All-State Band. Not only were they among the first minority members, but they were also the first African-Americans to attain the very highest positions in the group.

Dr. Fraschillo has attained a significant level in the realm of international leadership in that he serves as a past president of the prestigious American Bandmasters Association, past president of the world’s largest organization for band directors, the National Band Association, and President of the CBDNA Southern Division.

William “Jeff” Cannon, Sr. 2017

William “Jeff” Cannon, Sr. received a Bachelor of Music Education from Delta State University in 1980, where he served as drum major of the DSU band for four years.  In 1995 Jeff received the Master of Music Degree from Mississippi College.  

In the summer of 1988, Jeff became associate director of bands for Pearl Public Schools, where and  was appointed Director of  Bands for the Pearl Public Schools in the summer of 2007.  Jeff retired from Pearl Public Schools in 2013 after a 33.5 year career in public education. Jeff is a 1974 graduate of Pearl High School where he played trumpet and was a member of the 1974 Mississippi Lions All-State Band. He also served as drum major of the “Pirate” marching band.   The Pearl “Pirate” marching band has rated all-superior for 40 consecutive years at the Mississippi State Marching Festival.  Among its many accomplishments, the Pearl band was selected to represent Mississippi at President George W. Bush’s Inauguration in January 2001.  They were also selected to perform in the 1999 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City and were the featured band on NBC’s Today Show while in New York.   The Pirate marching band has achieved numerous awards both locally and nationally, including a first place performance at the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C., and Grand Champion Marching Band for the State of Mississippi in 1997, The Pirate Band won the 2007 Class 4A State Marching Championship achieving the highest point total of any band in any class and also the 2009, 2011, and 2012 Class 5A State Marching Band Championships.  The Pearl Band Program also received the American School Band Director’s Association “Award of Excellence” for its outstanding instrumental music program.   Pearl’s symphonic, concert and varsity band programs have consistently rated superior during the past twenty years as well. The Pearl Symphonic Band was invited to perform at the Southern Conductors’ Conference in February 2008 at The University of Southern Mississippi and has achieved “Sweepstakes” status all four years that the award has been presented.

Jeff has served on the staff of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band twenty-four times in such capacities as staff assistant, marching director, concert director, assistant manager, and was appointed Director/Manager in July 0f 2006. The Mississippi Lions Band has won 34 international championships since 1951.   

In 2015, Jeff received an appointment to become Interim Director of Bands for Jones County Jr. College in Ellisville, MS and took the band to the McDonalds Festival of Light Christmas Parade in Chicago, IL

While Jeff served as President of the Mississippi Bandmaster’s Association the MBA initiated the very first MBA All-State Concert Band and under Jeff’s leadership the MBA in partnership with the MHSAA created the first MBA/MHSAA State Marching Championships.

In July of 2017, Jeff became the first MHSAA Band events coordinator for the state of Mississippi. Jeff assists band directors in all things related to MHSAA Events and continues to mentor young band directors in their pursuit of excellence.

Jeff also serves as Minister of Music for First Baptist Church of Terry, MS. He and his wife, Dian have five children ages 34, 33, 32, 27, and 19. They have seven grandchildren Abbey, Simon, Austin, and Alaina. Seraphina, Owen, & Josephine.

Ronnie Herrington 2017

After moving to Columbia, MS with his family at the age of two, Ronald A. Herrington spent his formative years in Columbia attending all grade levels of the public schools and graduated from Columbia High School in 1952. As a member of the CHS Band he participated in the 1951 and 1952 Mississippi State Band Clinics, was first chair trombone in the 1952 Mississippi All State Orchestra, and received a band scholarship to attend Mississippi Southern College (the present day University of Southern Mississippi).

Mr. Herrington received the Bachelor or Music Education degree from Mississippi Southern in 1956 and the Master of Music Education from Mississippi Southern in 1973. He was an active member of numerous performance ensembles including but not limited to the Mississippi Southern Marching Band, the Mississippi Southern Wind Ensemble, the Mississippi Southern Symphony Orchestra and the Pit Orchestra. In addition, he performed with the ROTC Band, the 313th Army Reserve Band, and the Gold Notes Dance Orchestra. Mr. Herrington completed post-graduate work at VanderCook College of Music and Auburn University.

Upon graduation, Mr. Herrington accepted a position as band director at Heidelberg High School, Heidelberg, MS. After one year of teaching at Heidelberg, he was called into active duty in the United States Army Reserves at Fort Jackson, S.C. He completed basic infantry training and was transferred to the 291st Army Band where he fulfilled his military obligation before returning to Columbia. In August 1958 he resumed his teaching career at Lucedale High School, Lucedale, MS. Mr. Herrington left Lucedale in 1961 to serve as band director for one year at Lumberton High School, Lumberton, MS, four years at Pascagoula High School, Pascagoula, MS, and a total of twenty-three years at Columbia High School, Columbia, MS. Mr. Herrington’s bands consistently received superior and excellent ratings, and his students were highly successful at solo and ensemble events, honor bands and band clinics, as well as being selected as members of the Mississippi Lions All State Band. In particular, the Columbia High School Band enjoyed some great achievements such as performance appearances on the 1970’s television show “Almost Anything Goes”, the 1973 International Music Festival in Vienna, Austria, the 1976 Mississippi Governor’s Inaugural Parade, the 1977 National Cherry Blossom Parade in Washington, D.C., the 1980 International Music Festival in Ottawa, Canada, and the 1981 University of Southern Mississippi Conductor’s Conference. In addition, the CHS Band performed at the Disney World Jazz Festival and was featured as “Band of the Month” in the February 1972 “School Musician” magazine. Also of note from this time at CHS, Mr. Herrington was the 1974 Teacher of the Year and as chosen as the 1981 Star Teacher for Columbia High School.  

Mr. Herrington has held every elected office in the Mississippi Bandmasters Association. He was chairman of the committee for the first Mississippi Music Educators Association State Band Clinic that was held at the Edgewater Gulf Hotel in Biloxi, MS in 1962. He served as concert director on the staffs of the 1972 and 1981 Mississippi Lions All State Band. He served as president of the PHI BETA MU International Bandmasters Fraternity, the Mississippi chapter of the American School Band Director’s Association, and the Columbia Education Association.  Mr. Herrington served as a committee member to co-author the first “state course of study” for the Mississippi Music Teachers Association.

Throughout his entire teaching career, Mr. Herrington served as a church leader having served as youth director and music minister at First Baptist Church, Columbia, MS, and music minister at Foxworth Baptist Church and East Columbia Baptist Church. He faithfully served seventeen years as choir director at Columbia Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Herrington is married to Loucinda Newman Herrington and they are the parents of three children, Ronald A. (Chip) Herrington, Benjamin Herrington, and Katie Herrington Bennett, and two granddaughters, Sophie Herrington and Isabella Herrington. He currently resides in Columbia, MS where he and Loucinda are members of St. Stephens Episcopal Church. When Mr. Herrington is not spending time with his family, he can be found performing with the “No Strings Attached” country/bluegrass band, the “Pearl River Little Big Band” jazz band, the “Antique Brass” brass quartet, or at any Columbia High School musical theater production.

Ted Burns 2018

Ted Burns is a long time veteran Mississippi Band Director. He received his Bachelor of Music Education Degree from Mississippi State University in 1977 and received his Masters of Music Degree from Mississippi College in 1985.

Ted taught in the Mississippi public schools for thirty years. Six of those years were in his hometown of Forest, MS, where his band rated superior each of those six years. For his last twenty two years, Ted served as Director of Bands at Pearl High School in Pearl, MS. Under his leadership at Pearl, the Pirate band consistently rated superior in all areas of competition in MS. and throughout the Southeast. Some of the highlights include, the band placing fourth at Grand Nationals Bands of America in 1986, placing first at the national Cherry Blossom Festival in 1995, being crowned champions at the Mississippi Marching Championship in 1997, performing in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade and the Today Show in 1998 and representing Mississippi in the Presidential Inaugural parade for George W. Bush in 2001. 

Throughout his career, Mr. Burns’ concert bands have placed superior in every Mississippi State Concert Festival attended. He served as the marching director of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band for four years, leading the band to International Championships each year. 

Ted was selected as the Phi Beta Mu Outstanding Band Director for the state of Mississippi in 1986. He has served as adjudicator for marching and concert festivals throughout the Southeast.  Ted has served as President of the Mississippi Bandmaster’s Association and Phi Beta Mu Bandmaster’s Fraternity. Presently he is serving as Executive Secretary for Phi Beta Mu, Delta Chapter.  He has also served as President of the East Central Mississippi Band Clinic and the Capitol District Band Clinic. He was also inducted into the Capitol District’s Hall of Fame.  

Ted works with Burnham Enterprises and Buckalew Enterprises. Ted and his wife, Debbie, have been married forty-one years and are the parents of one son and daughter-in-law, Justin and Laurie, and the proud grandparents of two grandsons, Cooper and Taylor. 

Ted and Debbie attend McLaurin Heights Baptist Church in Pearl where he has served as the Deacon Chairman and presently sings in the choir, serves as Sunday School Director and director of the Instrumental Ensemble. 

Zachary J. Harris 2018

Zachary J. Harris taught instrumental music for 31 years in public schools in Mississippi. Prior to his retirement, Mr. Harris was Director of Bands for the Gulfport School District, where he oversaw the instrumental wind programs for the district. He conducted the Symphonic Band, taught the music for the marching band and served as Department Chairperson.

Mr. Harris, a native of Jackson, Mississippi, received his Bachelor of Music Education degree from Mississippi Valley State University and his Master of Music Education degree from the University of Mississippi. He started his teaching career at Newton High School, as assistant band director. The following year, Zachary was promoted to High School Band Director and built the program to an All-Superior status. On April 30th, 1991, The Mayor of Newton Terry C. Burton, proclaimed that day to be “Pride of Newton” High School Band Day. In the summer of 1991, he moved back to Jackson and became the Band Director at Forest Hill High School, where he once again built the program to an All-Superior status. While at Forest Hill, Mr. Harris was appointed to the Executive Board of the Mississippi Bandmasters Association, where he became the youngest director to serve on the board.  After six years at Forest Hill, he became the Director of Bands for the Brookhaven School District. While at Brookhaven, he served as the Southeastern Representative for the National Federation of State High School Music Association. Mr. Harris was also named “Administrator of the Year” for the Brookhaven School District in 2002-2003. In 2005 he was selected as Star Teacher for Brookhaven High School. His band was also selected as the featured band for the “Year in Review” with the Mississippi High School Activities Association.  He spent his last 10 years as Director of Bands for Gulfport Schools. In 2008, his Symphonic Band was selected to perform at the Mississippi Band Director’s Association State Clinic. The Gulfport Band is the only band to have performed for this special occasion twice. In 2011, Mr. Harris was named Band Director of the Year for District and State. In March 2016, his Gulfport Symphonic Band performed at the Music for All National Concert Festival in Indianapolis, Indiana, At that time, it was the first band from Mississippi to be accepted to the National Concert Festival. In 2017, Zachary was selected to serve on the I-65 Corridor Project’s Urban Education Advisory Committee for Music for All. The goals for this initiative include increasing support and fostering positive opportunities for programs on Interstate-65, from Gary, Indiana all the way down to Mobile, Alabama.  His professional affiliations include membership in the Mississippi Bandmasters Association Inc., Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, National Federation High School Music Association and Phi Beta Mu, where he served on the Executive Board. Zachary is also a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.  Mr. Harris has served on regional and state level music committees in Mississippi. He has been guest clinician throughout Mississippi, Tennessee and Georgia. Zachary is past president from all four districts he has worked. In 2005, he was the guest conductor for the Mississippi All-State Concert Band and has also served on the Mississippi Lion’s Band staff. 

While performing his final concert with his symphonic band, the Mayor of Gulfport presented Mr. Harris with a proclamation naming May 1, 2017 as Zachary J. Harris day, for his outstanding service and dedication to the Gulfport School District Band Program. Mr. Harris bands have received Superior Ratings consistently through the years in marching, sight-reading, and concert. Zachary is married to Sheila and they have two daughters Brianna and Zacharia.

Terry Ingram 2018

Terry Ingram graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi (USM) in 1982 and began teaching in the fall of that same year. He served as a band director at Northeast Jones, Stone, and Petal. Upon completing a master’s degree in educational leadership at USM in 2003, he accepted an administrative position in the Petal School District followed by a leadership position in the Lamar County School District. After retiring in 2010, Terry began working extensively with educators throughout MS to implement effective Professional Learning Communities and also school/district leadership. He accepted a position in 2015 at William Carey University as Assistant Professor of Education and Graduate Recruiter. In 2018, he became a member of the Lamar County School District Board of Trustees.

While at Stone High School the Symphonic Band performed at the 1988 Southern Instrumental Conductor’s Conference and the marching band was named a finalist and Class A Champion at the Marching Bands of America Southern Regional. Under his leadership, the Petal Band Program received numerous awards including the American School Band Directors Association Award of Excellence in 2000. The Petal High School Symphonic Band was named the Grand Champion and Sweepstakes winner at the Southern Star National Music Festival in Atlanta, GA in 2001. The Petal High School Marching Band was named grand champion or best in class at contests in Florida, Alabama, and Louisiana, along with winning numerous caption awards. Under Terry’s leadership, Petal was also named Grand Champion at the 2003 National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. During his tenure as Director of Bands, Petal placed more students in the all-state band than any other school in the state.

Terry is a past president of the Mississippi Bandmasters Association and the Delta Chapter of Phi Beta Mu. He is also a past president of the Gulf Coast Band Directors’ Association and the Southeast Mississippi Band Directors’ Association where he was chosen the Outstanding Director in 1999, 2002, and 2003. He has also been inducted into the Hall of Fame of both of these associations. In 2001, he was awarded the Mississippi Band Director of the Year by Phi Beta Mu. Terry was also a state and national winner of the NFIMA Outstanding Music Educator Award in 2003, and served on the staff of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band three times, both as concert and marching director.

Under Terry’s leadership as principal, Oak Grove Middle School was named a National Blue Ribbon School and was consistently ranked among the best schools in the state. The school received the highest rating on the MS statewide accountability model each year he was principal.

Terry and his wife, Ginny, are members of Heritage United Methodist Church in Hattiesburg. They enjoy traveling and Terry also enjoys cycling and running.

Thomas C. (Tom) Henry 2021

Tom grew up for the most part on a farm just outside of Union, MS. On the still Friday nights in the fall, he was able to hear the Union High School band playing at home football games. When he went to school, he knew he wanted to join the band and did so in the fifth grade playing cornet. Thomas Gilbert was his 5th grade band director followed by John Hanberry as his 6th grade band director. Greg Page became his band director in the 7th grade and was there for the duration of his school years. Under the direction of Mr. Page, the Union High School band flourished. Tom was 1st chair trumpet his last three years of high school.

After graduating from high school, Tom enrolled at the University of Southern Mississippi to major in music education. The Director of Bands was Dr. Joe Barry Mullins and the Pride of Mississippi band director was Kelly Love. Tom studied trumpet with Allen Cox who taught him much about musicality. He graduated with a BMED in the Spring of 1977.

In August of 1977, Tom accepted a teaching position at Ethel High School in Attala County MS. During his four year tenure there, the band earned its first superior ratings in the history of the program. It was there that he met and married his wife Becky.

In 1981, Tom moved to Carthage MS to teach at Carthage High School. The Carthage band consistently earned superior ratings at State Band Festival and competed in many fall marching competitions highlighted by competing in the Bands of America Regional Marching Competitions in Houston, TX and Jonesboro AR. While at Carthage, God blessed his family with the birth of two children – Tommy in 1982 and Amye in 1985.

Tom moved his family to Philadelphia, MS in the summer of 1990 to teach at Philadelphia High School. As assistant for six years, he was responsible for the 7th Grade Band, the Jazz Band, and the Marching Band. The Marching Band rated superior at State Band Festival all six years and the Jazz Band rated superior all six years at the Mississippi State University Stage Band Festival.

Tom accepted the Director of Bands position at Philadelphia High School in the fall of 1997 and remained there until his retirement in 2010. Under his direction, the Concert Band earned superior ratings at State Band Festival each of those 14 years, with the band rating All-Superior for 10 of those years. In 1999, the Concert Band won 1st place in Class A competition at the Smokey Mountain Music Festival in Gatlinburg, TN. In 2003, the band was the Sweepstakes winner at the Southern Star Music Festival in Atlanta, GA. The marching band made finals each year in the Mississippi Marching Championships and was runner-up in 2004 and Champion in 2005.

At Philadelphia, Tom was honored to work with L. P. Bassett Jr., Johnnie Doude, Jerry Pickering, and Jill Wallace, and to have Daniel Wade as a student teacher. He was named Star Teacher twice, once at Carthage and once at Philadelphia. Tom was especially proud that both of his children were members of the Mississippi Lions All-State Band. His son Tommy was a three year member and 1st chair trumpet his senior year and daughter Amye was a one year member of the Colorguard.

Tom still resides in Philadelphia. He has judged concert, sightreading and marching events in Mississippi. He enjoys working in his wood shop, fishing, and being with his family – especially his four grandchildren, Thomas Henry and Emily, Katherine, and Miriam Rowan.

Kennon Denman Lewis 2022

Ken Lewis, affectionately known as “Sir Lewis” and “Chief”, served as a music educator for over 32 years.  He is a graduate of East Tallahatchie High School in Charleston, Mississippi.  Upon graduation, he attended Northwest Mississippi Community College where he was President of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and Assistant Director of A Capella Choir.  He then graduated from The University of Mississippi in 1971 with a Bachelor of Music Degree, where he was the Principal Tubist for the U of M. Wind Ensemble and later returned to earn his Master of Music Education Degree.  In January of 1971, he became the founding director of the Alcorn Central Band program where he taught until accepting the Director of Bands Position at Baldwyn High School.  Mr. Lewis went on to serve as Director at W.P. Daniel High School.  During his time there, he served as the President of the Northeast Band Directors Association and served on the board of the Mississippi Bandmasters Association. 

In 1981, he accepted the position of Director of Bands at South Panola High School in Batesville, Mississippi where his bands consistently earned superior ratings in Mississippi, as well as, in festivals in Chicago, Gatlinburg, and St. Louis. The S.P.H.S. Band performed at the Cotton Bowl parade in Dallas, Texas and performed at several locations in Washington D.C. such as the National Veterans Monument, U.S. Navy Monument, and The Pentagon.  Lewis’ bands were well known for their tonality, rich-sound, blend, balance, and musical interpretation. 

In 1996, Lewis was named Director of Bands at Delta State University where he served until his retirement in 2003.  His years at DSU produced fine marching and concert bands that performed across the state at numerous marching festivals including Gulfport, Meridian, Pearl, Grenada, and a Division II National Championship performance in Florence, Alabama.  The band’s reputation stood firm as many nationally known Honor Band Clinicians at DSU would recognize the DSU Wind Symphony to rank in the top 10% of the nation.  Upon his retirement, it was noted that over 35 of the active band directors in the state of Mississippi had been members of Mr. Lewis’ band at Delta State.  “Watching former students succeed as band directors and professionals brings such great happiness and honor. I am so very proud of them,” said Lewis. 

Mr. Lewis served in many capacities throughout his tenure as a music educator. He served as the President of the Mississippi Bandmasters Association (1991), President of the Phi Beta Mu International Bandmasters Fraternity, Delta Chapter, and I55 Bandmasters Association.  Lewis was the Mississippi Representative to  ASBDA and served four years as the Southeast Regional Representative to the National Federation of Interscholastic Music Association.  He was honored to serve as the concert Director for the Mississippi Lion’s All-State Band (1994). 

Mr. Lewis’ outstanding awards include the 1991 Mississippi Band Director of the Year and 2009 Outstanding Contributor Award for the Mississippi Bandmasters Association, Northeast Mississippi Band Directors Association Hall of Fame induction in 2009, and the Amro Music Educators Walk of Fame in 2015.   

Mr. Lewis has served as a guest conductor and clinician at all Mississippi Regional Honor Bands, Mississippi State, Ole Miss, and USM for the MS Community College All-State Band. He has also served as a concert and sight-reading adjudicator in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Oklahoma, and adjudicated Marching Festivals throughout Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Virginia.  

Mr. Lewis is married to Karen Martindale Lewis of Pope, MS.  They have three children; Slade Lewis, Brandon Lewis, and Ashley Lewis Drumheller and five grand-children; Sam and Julia Lewis, and Trey, Carter, and Reeves Drumheller.  Karen has the been the pianist and Ken has been the music director at Pope Baptist Church for 42 years.  The Lord has been his guide throughout his career and being inducted into Phi Beta Mu Hall of Fame is a rich blessing.